Individual pumps and air samplers were placed on a number ofemployees for the duration of their shift to ensure that the level ofdust exposure did not exceed Australian standards. A data logger wasused to determine the levels of volatile organic compounds generated byresins and adhesives in the assembly process.
Soil sampling was also undertaken to ensure that the surrounding land was not being polluted.
“As a wind technology company involved in ensuring the future of our planet, we at Vestas Blades Australia want to make sure that our manufacturing activities have minimal impact on the environment. As such we enlisted the professional services of Ecolibria for all facets of our environmental testing at our Portland Blade factory. We found their service to be exceptionally professional and the reporting feedback both constructive and useable. We would recommend them to any company serious about their environmental monitoring program.”
Dan Brown
QSE/People & Culture Manager
Vestas Blades Australia
Portland Victoria 3305
Vestas began manufacturing wind turbines in 1979. Their core business comprises thedevelopment, manufacture, sale, marketing and maintenance of wind power systems. Inaddition to the new blade manufacturing facility in Portland and their assembly plant inTasmania, Vestas has manufacturing plants in Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Scotland,England, Spain, Sweden and Norway. In 2004 the company delivered 188 MW to theAustralian market. Worldwide there are in excess of 27,000 Vestas wind turbines installed,located in over 50 countries. The first blades from the Portland plant were produced in July2005.
Plant description.
The first of its kind in Australia, Vestas’ newly commissioned blade manufacturing facilitytook just over six months to complete and has provided employment for 70 local people.The 2000 square metre plant produces wind turbine blades for the domestic and export markets in a temperature-controlled production environment. The blades, which weigh in at 7.5 tonnes and measure 40 metres in length, are made from a combination of wood, glass, resin and carbon.